Show All Tools/ Basic Tools

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Show All Tools/ Basic Tools

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Icovia allows you to choose between all of the available tools available in the tools palette or only basic tools required for creating simple floor plans. Basic tools are displayed by default when you launch Icovia. Other tools including the Wall Tool, Text Tool, Photo Tool and the Icovia File/Edit are only displayed when the Show All Tools option is turned on.

The basic tools are:

The Selection tool
The Hand tool
The Dimension Tool
The Zoom tool
The Zoom slider

To Show All Tools

1.Click on the Show All Tools link located on the right side of the tools palette.



2.The Tools palette now displays all available tools and the Show Basic Tools link. You now have access to the following additional tools:
Wall Tool
Surface Tool
Line Tool
Text Tool
Photo Tool
File Menu
Edit Menu
3.To display only basic tools, click on the Show Basic Tools link located on the right side of the tools palette.
