Copy Plan

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Copy Plan

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The Copy Plan command is located on the File menu and is used to create a copy of an existing plan. A common use of this feature is to create different versions of a plan to experiment with layout options and color combinations. This feature also provides a safety net for experimenting with your plans without losing earlier versions of your layouts.

To Copy a Plan

1.Select Copy Plan from the File menu.


2.This opens the Save pop up window which prompts you for a name for the copy of the plan. Enter a new name for the copy of the plan you are saving.


3.The copy of the plan will be saved as a new plan with the new name you entered. You can open, manipulate, save and delete this plan it like any other plan.
4.Note that the Copy Plan command does not replace a saved plan under a new name. The original saved plan remains intact and a new plan is created using the new name you entered.