Rotate/Mirror Plan

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Rotate/Mirror Plan

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The Rotate/Mirror Plan command allows you to rotate the plan to an angle of your choice or flip it vertically / horizontally. The Rotate/Mirror Plan commands are available from the Edit menu and allow you to rotate a plan 90° right, 90° left, 180°, or mirror the plan horizontally or vertically.

To Rotate the Plan of Flip it:

1.Select Rotate/Flip Plan from the Edit menu.


2.A menu appears to the right displaying the options available to you for rotating and flipping the plan.
Select Rotate 90 right to rotate the plan 90° to the right. The plan will be rotated 90° to the right.

Note: Rotating and flipping cannot be reversed using the Undo command. If you have rotated a plan to the right, you will have to reverse it using the Rotate 90 left command.

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Select Rotate 90 left to rotate the plan 90° to the left. The plan will be rotated 90° to the left.
Select Rotate 180 to rotate the plan 180°. The plan will be rotated 180°.

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Select Mirror Horizontal to flip the plan horizontally.

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Select Mirror Vertical to flip the plan vertically.
