Creating curved surface segments

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Creating curved surface segments

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Surface segments can be curved after they’ve been added to your floor plan.

To Create a Curved Surface Segment :

1.Select the selection tool from the tools palette.
2.Click on the surface segment you want to curve in the workspace.
3.Press CTRL+SHIFT+CLICK to add a curve point.(For Mac, use Command (Apple key) Shift click). The curve point is displayed as a + sign. This will be the point at which the surface point will be curved. You can add more that one curve point to a surface segment.
Drag the + sign to the right to curve the surface segment inwards.
Drag the + sign to the left to curve the surface segment outwards.



4.The selected surface segment will be curved.
5.To delete a curve point, click on the image67 that appears when you hover your cursor over the curve point.



6.The curve point will be deleted and the surface segment will revert back to a straight segment.