Plotting Wall Points

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Plotting Wall Points

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Walls can be created in Icovia using the wall tool. Walls are defined by two or more points forming a wall segment, which can be moved or deleted at any time.

To Add a Wall:

1.Select the add wall tool from the editor toolbar by clicking on it.



2.Select the first point by clicking and releasing your mouse button in the workspace. As you move your cursor after setting the first point, a line follows your cursor to indicate the wall orientation and show you the length of the wall.
3.Select the second point for the wall by clicking on the workspace. A wall will appear between the two points you chose. Select additional points if desired by clicking on the workspace.
4.To end the wall, press the escape key on your keyboard. This enables you to end the current wall and start another wall somewhere else on the workspace.



5.Once the wall is drawn, you can move the wall points to a new location or split the wall to create more complex wall shapes.

Note:  Corner points can be added to a straight small segment by clicking on them while pressing the [Ctrl] key on the keyboard.