Changing Product Display Color

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Changing Product Display Color

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The color you choose will exist for your reference only and will not accurately reflect the product you may purchase.

To Change Product Display Color:

1.Select a product by clicking on it using the selection tool.
2.The product info panel appears with a variety of controls for manipulating the product.
3.Click on the color square to extreme left of the product info panel pick a color for the product.


4.Select the new color for the product by clicking on it.
5.When you select a new color, the box will update to display a preview of the new color and the product in the workspace will display the new color.


6.Click on the Advanced link below the color preview box to choose a custom color. The custom color picker will be displayed.
Create your custom color using controls for hue/saturation and brightness or type in specific values for hue (H), saturation (S) and brightness (B) or the Hex value. These colors can be copied from another image editing program or copied from other objects in Icovia that you want to use for color matching.
To go back to the color palette, click on the Basic link.


7.Once you find the color of your choice, click on the image10 button at the top right corner of the color palette to close it.