Rotating / Flipping a Plan

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Rotating / Flipping a Plan

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The Rotate/Mirror Plan commands allow you to rotate the plan to an angle of your choice or flip it vertically or horizontally. You can rotate your plan 90° to the right, 90° to the left, 180°, or mirror the plan horizontally or vertically. These commands can be found in the Edit menu.

To Rotate or Flip Your Plan:

1.Select Rotate/Flip Plan from the Edit menu.



2.A sub-menu appears with the options for rotating and flipping your plan.
Select Rotate 90 right to rotate the plan 90° to the right.

Note: Rotating and flipping cannot be reversed using the Undo command. If you have rotated a plan to the right, you will have to reverse it using the Rotate 90 left command.

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Select Rotate 90 left to rotate the plan 90° to the left.
Select Rotate 180 to rotate the plan 180°.

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3.Select Mirror Horizontal to flip the plan horizontally.

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4.Select Mirror Vertical to flip the plan vertically.
